Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Is there a legal limit someone can delay a divorce in Oklahoma?

Going through a divorce. It's been 3.5 yrs. No property 1 child. Have gone to court 3 times and the other party has had 3 different lawyers. Been offering different options to try to come to some sort of an agreement. No cooperation what so ever. I'm ready to move on.

Who is dr.bruce Goldberg?

i want to no if what he say is real or is he trying to get $$$ if u got something from him i would like to no if it works P.S he always sound piss on the phone

Isn't Criss Angel cool?

When I first saw Criss Angel doing tricks, it was so cool! I've never seen anyone do the things he does! He really is a Mind freak. I really love the card trick in the bus.

Can you connect the PSP to a PC and use the PC's modem to enable the WMA? I dont have a router or wifi at home

Also, this may be a silly question but im a newbie. How do i download music from limewire to my PSP? I have a usb cable but i just need to know how to do it . Thanks

Chicken pox vaccinations in Houston Texas?

Does anyone know of any health clinics in Houston or the surrounding area are offering chicken pox vaccinations?, the vericella virus not the shingles one. I have been trying to call a few places and look online but no such luck. If anyone knows the name of the clinics so I can look them up to call them or if anyone knows of any websites that would help a lot. Thanks.

Could she have been interested?!?!?!?

Nope not interested, at least I am not, when the story goes on longer than 2 screens, you are just trying to use up peoples time!

Jehovah's Witnesses... is there a contradiction here?

I understand that you believe that when a person dies, he simply stops existing. No spirit anywhere... nothing. I also understand that Christ was the first-fruits of them that were resurrected (1 Cor. 15:20-22). If I remember correctly, you also believe that Moses died... that his life did reach an end. With that said, how did Moses manage to appear to Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration if he was dead but not yet resurrected?

In your opinion, why is society, teenagers in particular, so materialistic?

Personally, I think its about who can be cooler or more popular. What kind of car you drive, what you wear, are you hanging out with the "popular" kids, do you drink, are you a trouble maker... all that adds up to be who you can be and who you are seen as in school. Because something is popular, they want to conform to it. Like when Brittany Spears sister had a kid, all these teenage girls suddenly wanted a kid; when guy or girl wants to conform, they do stupid stuff like smoking, doing drugs, getting trashed, having babies. Teenagers want to copy images they see of celebrities on any show. Its Human nature to want to be accepted, but people take it way too far sometimes.

Transferring with an AA, but no diploma yet?

I don't have my diploma yet because the issuing institution is dragging azz. Transcripts are completed, so does it really matter? Should I wait for my degree to be in print?

How can i show my dog to sit?

i have a 5 moths old yorkie i got him a month ago. i've been showing him to sit with a treat but when i do it without the treat he wont sit. i think he got the wrong message just like with the wee wee pads . when i got him wee wee pads i put him on them and he tought that it was a bed so he just lays down on them no matter wat i tell him!!

Possible contractions and not realize it?

I am 38+2 and as of Monday I was almost 3cm and 70% effaced. I have been having little twinges and minor cramp like pains on and off for awhile but nothing to make me stop and say wow! I don't even think I have any Braxton Hicks, that I have noticed, but obviously I have had some contractions at some point if I am dilated right? Just curious....really hope the baby waits until next week, don't want a X-mas b-day!

In groundwater, _____?

(B) this is why dripping water in caves deposits those cool features of stalactites and stalagmites and curtains and rock-waterfalls, etc. as the mineral calcite almost exclusively. Quartz is SiO2, and is very resistant to weathering and solubility.

Can someone give 'recipe' for a liver or a gall bladder cleanse please?

Liver and gall bladder cleanses... there are lots of supposed "recipes" out there but very few of them do any good. I would recommend asking your doctor if you want to do something to help your liver or gall bladder.

Do you cheat in answering questions?

I agree. I try to answer from life experience but that isn't always enough for some people. I sometimes worry that I get to involved and the answer ends up to long! I suppose all I can do is the best I can do!

Can free will and an all-knowing God exist together?

I thought of this recently. If god is all knowing, then he has known what our actions will be for trillions of years. So he knew,for instance, that a rainforest tree would be chopped. So if we have free will, we can choose the chop it or not,right? But since he knows that we are going to do this, (chop down the tree), then no matter what, we will have to chop it down, even if we have free will. We have no other choice since it is known it will happen.

Fun Nicknames for Voldemort?? :)?

Idk just something I think would be fun.. Anyone got any good bashing nicknames for Good old Voldy?? Such as Moldymort, or one of my favorites; VoldyMoldy :)

How should I dress for an interview at the Gaylord Texan?

Isn't that the ULTRA CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN RESORT? Dress like you were going to interview for Disney. Clean cut, nails polished with clear nail polish, maybe a little French manicure, small posts for earrings, a nice pressed white shirt that covers all the essentials, but shows just a hint of the chest (not ) , and a dark colored skirt to just SLIGHTLY above the knee, a pair of dark shoes, comfortable, or small heel, Perhaps a pair of nylons and a manageable, simple purse that is conservative and will hold the basics, a little lip gloss, some blush and a bit of mascara, breath mints, a pen and a brush. Simple, but elegant. Maybe a small string of pearls or a small cross on a sweet little chain. I would put my hair in an updo, or pulled back in a simple ponytail (not just THROWN up) with a little bit of bang, small bow or dark hair tie, a little spritz of hair spray to keep it neat and Wah la! You want to convey, able, capable, smart, not frivolous, on top of it, in charge without being bossy, knowing what and who you are. A PROFESSIONAL who represents their company quite nicely! Don't be nervous, take a deep breath, and project "I know what I am doing" and listen well, attentive, and answer only what they ask. Not too much giggling, unless they make a joke! I hope you get the job!

What should I do when my bf breaks up with me and then wants me back?

Well we broke up today and it was pretty ugly :(. We love eachother very much but he found a different gf thts why we broke up. But he told me he might reconsider going out with me. If he asks me out should I say yes?

Whatever happened to NFL Player Maurice Clarett?

He is in jail. Fallen star. He got cut by the Broncos and since he had a sordid past at OSU, no one wanted to take a chance and he got busted for guns and attempted robbery.

Can a calvary scout be stationed at ft gordon?

i leave june 30 2010 for fort knox for basic and then ait at fort knox for calvry school is there a chance i can get stationed at fort gordon i would love it if i could?

Do you really think Stoops would have done some whining on national TV like Brown did given the chance?

Coaches like Brown and Pete Carroll are crying rivers now that they're getting screwed. When the system didn't hurt them, they didn't have anything to say. They're both a couple of bums in my book. I'll never have sympathy for them.

How do I defrost double windows in apartment?

Ice or moisture should not get between the windows, if it does there is a need for repair or replacement of these windows.

When is the best time to begin advertising for snow plowing services?

Advertise tear round. If you get more responses than you can handle you can chose which driveways you want.

Doesn't God Hold People Accountable for How they mistreat animals?

Because we can't know for certain I think it would be irresponsible to not holdpeople accountable for what they do in THIS life. Plus, not everyone is religious so it would be a little weird to just get rid of our laws (and being humane to animals IS a law) on the idea tht God will sort it all out in the afterlife. With that logic we should just let murderers and rapists roam the streets. It's not so much about punishing people for what they do. It's about the quailty of life for the victims. If there is a God I would think that He would judge people most harshly for allowing injustices to happen right under our noses and turning a blind eye.

How Does My Book Sound So Far..? Any suggestions..? Please..? :D?

Wow I love it, I think it's very realistic and could happen. Good job. I would love to hear more, email me if u want at taylorlynnvirgin@yahoo.ca!

How do you know when your spring airsoft pistol is out of BBs ?

I want to get a spring airsoft pistol with a locking slide. Although, it doesn't have the best performance but it's still pretty good. There's another gun with better performance but doesn't have a locking slide. If I buy that gun, how will I know when I'm out of BBs?

Are there any exceptions to the principles of Natural Justice in India?

Generally rules of natural justice are followed in legislative, administrative & judicial matters. Are there any cirstances when they are excluded?

Was this rite of my grandparents?

I live with my grandparents and have since i was 15 months old. My mom had signed the papers because my dad was doing stupid stuff and she couldnt take care of me and i was also getting sick all the time and she didnt have insurance. the deal was supped to be that i lived with my grandparents, but my mom could see me whenever she wanted to. at first my dad wouldnt sign the papers because he wanted me to live with my mom and not my grandparents, but somehow they talked him into signing them. After a year or two my mom tried for custody because she was actually able to take care of me, but on the day of the hearing my dad was supposed to be on her side and he showed up on the other side. They ended up postponing the case and my grandma said that she would give visitations back if my mom would drop the case. At that point my mom was out of money and had no other choice. My big sister was living with her dad at the time. My mom moved to new jersey with her dad my grandpa and i saw her quite often since i still wen to see her mom and my big sister all the time. My grandparents out of nowhere dropped the visitation which was about 8 almost 9 years ago and i havent seen her since. i saw my aunt which is my moms twin like 2 times at the store, once didnt even kno it was her. I also saw my big sister at my church once and she gave me her number and she still had my adress and she mailed me. somehow the letter and number "dissapeared" but i knew wat happened. My big sister still saw my mom and I didnt. I had another little sister from her side to that i only met once and she was only 3 months old. I have told my grandma i want to see her and stuff but she wont listen and i know that she can get in contact but she says she cant. I know exactly how to contact her but my grandma said we will wait til summer and do it than. I really highly doubt she will. I also have 2 other sisters from my dads side. I also found out that i have and older brother that was adopted from my moms side. My dad told me about him because i can still see my dad even though he messes up like way way way worst than my mom ever did. but for some reason i can still see him. I am living with his mom and step dad. But they arent my parents and i kno that. pretty much my whole life they have shadowed me and still do. I dont see why i can see my dad and not my mom. There is not point if i should be allowed to see anyone it should be my mom. My dad is really messed and stole a bunch from us. he also stole $200-$400 from me! he is really stupid and i dont know wat to do. I am onluy allowed to see one out of 5 of my siblings and that is the youngest. She is from my dads side. It really upsets me that i cant see my mom or my siblings or my cousins or aunts or any one from that side of my family. It may have been necessary at the time but id ont think there is a point at it now. I kno she has cleaned up bcuz i know some people that still talk to her. I told my grandma at least 5 times i want to talk to her. The last time she said ur not her daughter ur mine u were never meant to be her daughter and than said my mom never did anything for her and only ruined her life! that isn't true. all i want is to see my mom and i think i should b allowed to since i am 15 and she is my mom. wat do u guys think? should i b able to talk to her? should i get in contact with her any ways and forget my 4get wat my grandparents say? i hate lying to them. but i feel this is somethin i need to do. just let me kno wat you think please. srry it waz so long.

What does this mean?help!?

Something could have come up. I would try to schedule another day to meet up, and if this pattern continues, then i would start to think something is happening.

Wrigley Field?

I want to know what people think of the nets on the inside of Wrigley Field that hold up all the falling rocks and boulders because the stadium is falling apart. What are your thoughts on that?

Why dose my wife always lie to me? read this?

Are you serious? Maybe she feel you lied to her when you married her. Living with your inlaws and being married to a guy who is always talking about how drunk he is hardly sounds like the dream husband to me. You act like you think you deserve to be serviced by her. I have a news flash for you. Raising children is hard work. And it is totally uncool for a grown woman to have to start off her marriage by living with her inlaws. All women deserve privacy with their husband and kids. Your job as her husband was to provide a home for your family as soon as you possibly were able too. You should not get rewarded with and meals just for doing now what you failed to do for your wife from the beginning.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I need homework help can anyone out there help me?!!!!!!!? This is the question?

Imagine that you have just bought a house in a new neighborhood. You do not know any of your neighbors well, but you do greet them on the street . You learn that the owner of a vacant lot on your block plans to erect a bowling alley and tail bar there. Although your neighborhood is a resiential district, there is no zooming ordinance which wopuld forbid businesses opening up there. You worry that such a bussiness will lower property values abd cause problems for the young children who play on the street. You learn that by getting enough signatures on a petition you can prevent the business from being built . You get the necessary forms and start down the street to get signatures. How would you go about persuading your neighbors? In the space below write the opening remarks during the FIRST MINUTE of your talk. Pay special attention to GETTING A "YES RESPONSE". THANK YOU

How do i make rubber/gummy bracelets?

i need to wear a short sleeve shirt tomorrow but my wrist r not in the best condition for that. how do i make my own gummy bracelets? also what cant i use for dye to color them? i dont think i have any dye so i need to make some but how?

Do you have a favorite ?

No, not really. Having been raised in the wide open spaces the movies and television never played a big part in my life. I have enjoyed western themed movies but not to the extent that I developed favorite actors or actresses. I would much rather read a good historical account of western life with it's trials and tribulations then anything concocted in Hollywood. After studying a particular history I like to get in my pickup and go visit those historical places. I never found any thing more interesting than visiting a certain spot on the night of a full moon and placing myself in the spot where great things in our history occurred. Try a civil war battlefield like Vicksburg or maybe a stagecoach stop on the Old erfield Route or The Alamo bathed in moonlight. Hollywood just never made the grade with me. No Sir !

Popcorn packaging & validity ?

I like to start ready to eat popcorn business in my city.I am confused abt packaging of same.i.e.I know it's cripsyness loose when comes in contact with moisture so decided to pack with nitrogen flushing & aluminium foil bag just like lays or bingo.Is it OK ? If yes then how many days it will remain same taste as of made ?

Anyone here ever try invisalign?

is it worth it? I am getting a consultation and I hope I am eligible for them cause my dentist said they are not for everyone. I got a "slight" overbite but thats only because my bottom teeth are crooked and my front teeth have gaps. I was wondering if anyone has ever had this done, and if they did if your teeth were really bad, *mine are*, how do they look now?

What does it mean when something is on someone's credit file?

Someone emailed me earlier saying that my late doctor bills could affect my husband's credit report, if it was on his credit file. What does that mean. All i know is that the doctor bills come under his name because we are insured through his job. And is there a way to consolidate doctor bills to get these bills off of his name?

What does refund delayed, irs ref # 1201 mean?

i e-filed my return on 2-26-07, after a week irs website said i should get refund around 3-13-07. a few days after that it changed and is now saying delay in processing and gives ref.#1201. i lost my job of 16 yrs. last march, drew unemployment for a month then started cleaning homes in may. i filed married filling jointly, showed income from all sources, took deduction of using my car for cleaning jobs and took credit for my husbands 401k. i made est. tax pymts. for june, sept. & jan. so i wouldn't owe anything. help!

I spend much more time reading answers?

than actually providing them and I've noticed a trend in this section: lots and lots of questions about Asians being the victims of racism or stereotyping. I've also noticed that when anyone says anything like Asians aren't hairless, all Asians aren't smart, basically, anything that goes against a positive stereotype, those people are bombarded with thumbs down. This is true of people who are not being disrespectful, rather, just stating facts. My question is, why do you Asians complain about stereotypes when you seem perfectly willing to accept them (provided it makes you look/feel good)? The same question can be posed to blacks as well. Stereotypes are bad but it's a rare black man who won't brag about the alleged size of his junk. Again, how can you argue against stereotypes and at the same time embrace them?

Want To See My Apprentice?

Here is a good picture of her. Do you think I am crazy having my cat as my apprentice? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9XwPahRBk0 . Beware Darth Felix!!

Did Sen. Lindsey Graham basically insult Libertarians and Ron Paul Supporters?

It is people like Sen. Lindsey Graham that are responsible for me no longer being a Republican. It's all about winning and party control with these people and it is sickening.

Grade 5 piano?

I have already learned the full version of fur elise (beethoven)and k.545 ( mozart) and some other pieces. Do you think i could take the grade 5 piano exam soon? ( and if no say why!)

Anyone else here get annoyed when...?

Yes, I think it is most intrusive of these foreigners getting involved in America's affairs. Imagine how the U.S, would be judged if it got involved in the politics and military stance of other nations and tried to influence the the types of government in nations thousands of miles away from the homeland. How shocking and intolerable it would be if U.S, troops were invading other soverign nations and trying to establish 'the American' concept of the perfect form of government. I mean it would be met with m protest rallies throughout the U.S. Right?

What other good results come from the Lord watching over us?

The sense of hope that a Christian feels in everyday life. That beacon of light in the darkest of hours. As much as a Christian suffers, the soul is kept alive by God's grace and mercy because He is always caring for His children.

Sims castaway PC - How do I meet villagers?

How do i meet villagers? Ive been wandering around for days with this idol and my goal is to carry it around. My wants are to meet ppl and entertain but I dont know where or how to find ppl.. PLEASE HELPPPP ME!

Infiniti G35 or Mazdaspeed 3?

Hi I'm looking to buy a car and am trying to decide between a '08 or '09 Mazdaspeed 3 and the 06-07 G35 coupe. Any input would be helpful, and I would really like to know about the handling on each of these and how they compare. I know they're completely different cars but I'm really stuck. Thank you.

My team on Pokemon Diamond beat the Elite Four... rate my skill based on my team...?

8 out of 10, great pokemons, evolve your roselia, train your pokemon more stronger, also if you want, you can switch dialga for garchomp or dragonite

Help ! is my camera broke?

Your lens is stuck? Try pushing it in at different spots to see if it will come out. Good reason for a new camera, no?

What do New Yorkers think of Texans?

Im a new yorker, and when i think of texas and the people from there, i think cattle, country accents, big hair, and cowboys, and everybody owning a shotgun.

What three monuments were built by the Qin Dynasty?

No such things as three monuments. The emperor of Qin built a mausoleum for himself, an army of terracotta for his personal defense after his death, the Great Wall for the defense against the Huns, as well as a straight highway for the transportation of his army.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

So much confusion!!!! (natal chart provided)?

Depends on your age. I guess if you are experiencing a Saturn return, you are either around 28 or 58 yrs old. If it is your first Saturn return, a person often experiences a change of residence or career. An individual can b confused because Saturn pushes the person to put his foot down and realize that he / she has to get serious and that there is a need to solidify one's career. Often time, a person makes a choice because he / she is not getting younger and needs security and a strong foundation to build on. Saturn teaches this. So be patient if it is your first Saturn return. Its is normal and Saturn shows its strength during his first and second return. Don't challenge authority but rather, work with it. Sun oppose Saturn indicates a person who refuses to accept the many obstacles put before him or her oe one who constantly bows down underneath them. In order to make this aspect work for the good (Saturn return activates this), you must learn how to work within the structure of your limitations, reshaping yourself to conform to a pattern which is quite difficult to change. The aspect teaches acceptance and can give great strength and powers of endurance if handled wisely. Take care not to create habits which become difficult to break, or take on too many odious responsibilities.

In The Last Airbender CARTOON, can firebenders not firebend unless there's is fire?

I think they can. I think they can just create fire out of nowhere without a stupid lantern or something. Right?! The movie was wrong, right?

Is there any website like myspace?

a href="http://tumblr.com" rel="nofollow"http://tumblr.com/a its a blog site you can post pictures or how your feeling or write anything you want & it lets put backgrounds just like myspace. for example mine: a href="http://ieishalovesyou.tumblr.com" rel="nofollow"http://ieishalovesyou.tumblr.com/a

Does having a learning disability limit success?

I have been thinking about this for a while. I am a Junior In high school and am worrying about my future locking down the thought that since I'm not smart, theirs absolutely no way I can succeed and live a rich fulfilling life. I am in special ed, though in one of the top ranked high school of America. I am not a doh doh dummy head but not some intelligent man you can rely on do help or answer questions. I feel as if because I am in special ed and not the smartest kid I can already see my life no matter what not being successful because I am not smart enough to encounter in a serious professional job that will obtain me money and success. I just feel as right not my lifes a joke. My work in my cles cannot be any easier and I feel as if the school and all my teachers treat me and the special ed students as if where just pathetic idiotic kids that couldn't give a dam about anything. I just don't feel encouraged enough sometimes to do work because I feel as if I'm treated like a joke and never get the chance or opportunity to raise my standards and move up to regular cl.

I panicked during salary negotiations! How do I accept position even if they decline my offer?

I am fresh out of college, 10yrs work experience (hourly retail supervisor /optician). I interviewed for a position on thursday in my field, got the job offer the following Monday. I have been playing phone tag with HR and a salary was presented. I panicked- said that I have another offer through my fathers company that came up recently but it was for a job not in my field. I said that I would rather work for their company and I just wanted to make sure once I started a career I am happy with benefits ect, because I plan on being there long term. I asked if they would be willing to accept XXX dollars. HR asked this exactly "Is that a sticking point for you?" and explained that she had to forward it on to the supervisor working above me for approval. Q: Did I just tell her I would only accept that amount? Will they retract the offer? If they call and say they will only offer the original amount- how do I accept without looking like I was just messing with them? Also, I must say the phone tag with HR has been a nightmare and I really feel as though I have come off as flakey as a result.

Looking for MP3 players that can play library books and have bookmarks?

Hi, I am looking for a MP3 player that can play public library audio books (I am using OverDrive Medio Console). Can anyone recommend mp3 players that have bookmark functions, and could work with the library books. I would like to find an inexpensive ones, and I don't need any fancy functions. I don't need FM radio or picture or video. All I need is: 1. Can work with subscription (protected) books. 2. Have bookmarks. 3. Have display screen. Thank you for your suggestions.

Is this meannn?????????????????

ok we where in cl and my BFF said to this dude tht wow u could connect the dots with the freckles on is face adn yeahhh i was jw if awww thought that was meann>...........

Vollenteer opertunitys...?

i live in dana point, ca and im looking to vollenteer ANYWHERE! i would prefere it if it wasnt too far out of dana. thanks!

Do you think i got the better trade??

i think you got a better deal.....you're more solid on rebounds ....maybe you should also check whose hot on steals and ists....

Starting to learn guitar?

Hello. I am planning to start learning guitar. I don't know how much I should spend for my first guitar. I have no experience whatsoever. I'm thinking about getting a Squier Strat Package that comes with amp, bag, everything for $200. Is this too much to be spending at this stage? Also if you have any tips on learning guitar please let me know. Thanks.

Would this be grammatically correct?

noires does have 'es' at the end because as you said its plural. those sentences are good! well done =)

What does the word "Ace" mean?

What does the word "ace" mean? For example, "I aced that test!" or "I think I aced the quiz today." I'm asking because my dad and I bet that I would ace my Math TAKS, but I think it means to get an A, and he thinks that it means to get a perfect score and nothing less.

Does oxygen get you high?

excessive oxygen can make you light headed. They should have been monitoring that. Pain killers can do that too. You may never know which it was.

What should be follicle size on day 10 after taking 100mg clomid tablets?

I don't think it is so hard n fast, it could be around 5 mm. But I wonder y u r concerned about size of follicle, u should get result. N y is it in men's health?

Anti-depressant plus alcohol question...?

I am currently taking effexor xr and the directions and bottle say not to use alcohol while on this medication. I am only a social drinker and so should I just skip the daily dosage when I plan to drink or continue taking it as prescribed? Surely just skipping one day wouldn't hurt right? And why can't you even drink at all while using it? It doesn't make sense to me...It's not a narcotic so I don't see why not? Anyone have any advice or suggestions? Thanks in advance.

21 may 2009 ko junior engineer civl sambandhi khabar hidi ke dainik jagran paper main.?

a href="http://in.jagran.yahoo.com/epaper/index.php?location=2&edition=2009-05-22&pageno=9"http://in.jagran.yahoo.com/epaper/index.…/a

Why were liverpool fans singing the fields of athenry?

as its an irish song about the potato famine, and is generally sung by irish nationalists...dont get why liverpudlians would be singing it?

How did NFL teams p on Eddie Royal?

Because the draft experts don't focus on talent anymore. They just focus on 40 times and size. They don't care about raw instincts, heart, talent, and proven college production anymore. They think football talent and instincts can be measured by numbers.

Ladies - what's in your handbag??!?

What do you keep with you always? I have a tam**x (of course), bingo pens (don't ask), a biro, receipts, my purse, a hair bobble, lipstick and lip moisturiser. Oh and of course my trusty mobile.

Where can I find blinds for my unusual size windows?

Look for other custom designers. I chose an independent company from their listing in the Yellow Pages and I checked out their website. You must have many other choices besides big box stores. Look for Window Treatments in your directory.

Pregnant and need help?

Ok so im pregnant I need to have some blood took and i am Absolutely petrified. What is the best way of me having blood took so that i don't stress me or the baby any advice will help thanks.

Agree or disagree, NATO MUST end its support for the Libyan confederacy?

NATO (once again) has murdered 'command and control' children in the name of Israel, I've served a jail term because I told Israel to stop Cast Lead, an 'operation' that killed dozens of children, not least Bilal Mohammad Shihda al-Ashkar (5) and Mohammad Shihda al-Ashkar (3) (with the WMD white phosphorus). Where is the ICC?

Who do you think was the best of the decade in each of these categories?

A couple weeks ago i was just sitting outside having a smoke and minding my own business when a pizza man came up to me. He asked if I had ordered a pizza. I told him no i wasnt the guy, then the delivery man took off his cap and i was suprised as **** to see that it was Bill Murray. As i gazed in amazement he took a cheap shot and punch me in the kidney. He took my wallet, left me the pizza and whispered ‘No one is ever going to believe you.’ Then he kicked dirt in my eyes and disappeared. The worst of all was the fact that the pizza was canadian bacon and I hate Canadian bacon

PLEASE help me!: what do E and F symbolize in this phase diagram for water?

I'm not sure from your diagram, its kinda nebulous. But, it appears "E" is a melting/freezing point and "F" is a vaporization (or boiling)/condensation point. These are not specific points on the graph however, they change as the temperature and pressure changes.

Yugioh fans please help me build a deck out of my cards!?

why dont you go out and buy a structure deck or 2, maybe pick a deck theme, and then add some of your better cards into that one as you go?

Green mucous or phlegm?

Okay, this is probably going to be TMI, but I'm not sure if I should go see a doctor or not. I've been sick for about a week now, and have had more yellow snot and phlegm than I've ever seen in my life :( Yesterday morning and this morning, it's been turning green. Now I'm not sure if I'm on the up end of this virus and it's just turning green because it's at the end, or if this is the beginning of a whole new infection. I've been putting off the doctor because I have high co-pays and I'm broke. Will this go away on it's own? Or is it something serious that needs to be seen for? By the way, my symptoms are JUST the yellow snot and a cough, both now producing green colored things :( Any advice is appreciated!! Thanks!

Do you agree that Florida State would destroy Boise State?

Think Boise St and Fla St would be a very good game either could win. unless Boise needed a field goal. They have got used to crushing every one in there lighter schedule. when it come down to needed a field goal he just don't have the reps or the playing time to get it done. there both top 25 teams . be a good match up ..

Why does my kitten never leave my older cat alone?

i have a bengal which is nine years old, male and a kitten on 6 months, male, which is a ragdoll. My ragdoll never leaves my bengal alone. He will follow him and continue to jump on him, bite his tail, till i shut them in separate rooms because he never stops. When my cat is sleeping the kitten wakes him up by biting his ear, till my cats runs away outside to go somewhere else. My bengal had turned aggressive towards me he used to be calm and loving but if i go near him all he does is growl and hiss at me and seems never happy. How can i stop the kitten pestering him, i cant keep them apart for ever.My bengal seems depressed and upset all the time and its horrible to see this happen, my ragdoll is almost as big as him now and runs in front of him and doesn't let him go in and out a room. my bengal once flipped at the kitten and started biting its neck, i swear that means hes trying to kill him like they do with their pray, please help

McAfee says: The detection signature file is between 8 and 29 days old?

it means you data file is out of date by that meany days and all you should be able to do is by your clock you will see the red M right click on it and do the update your parable have to do it Meany time and also you need to check to my sure your sub has not run out go to a href="http://us.mcafee.com/" rel="nofollow"http://us.mcafee.com//a and on the right you will see my account do your log in thing and check your sub date also do the up dates until it fix it if your sub is up to date ok

Muslim this, terroist that-why do people keep spouting lies?

about Obama? Do they really believe that non-sense that has been rumored (by Karl Rove and his ilk), or do they think they make a better case for their candidate? When people keep spreading false rumor like that, I wonder if they really feel their candidate or positions are so weak. What's your take?

No follicles found in the 11th day of scan?

i was told to undergo follicular study scan on the 11 th day.no follicles found in the 11th day of scan.i had clome 50(2 tabs) from day 5.what should i do?

What is a good fast lens for low light photography?

I have a Canon EOS Rebel T1i. I'm leaning toward the Carl Zeiss Planar T 1.4/50 ZE but it's a fixed focal length and I'm not sure if that's the best for concerts and stage events. However I've been a big Zeiss fan since I got my first vintage Rolleiflex with Zeiss lenses. Would one of the Canon lenses be better for a lower price point?

Nebraska state?

thanks for stopping by to view my question here it is....who know the exact order of the U.s states i mean in numerical ored as washington D.C was the #1 state was the first one to join the union i also need what year nebraska became a part of the union and what year did nebraska adopt MLK day as a official holiday this is for a middle school project thanks you

SEO Question regarding website domains?

I'd keep the domains separate and create valuable, keyword optimized content on the vanity domain. Top 10 places to get a great 'insert hamburger or whatever it is that you do' (and of course link to yours as number one). Put it on Wordpress, update it once in a while and start building the natural authority and SEO. Add an opt-in with a freebie giveaway and start building your list for which you an promote your true offer on. Monetize with Adsense or affiliate offers if you can't get them to move to your company's offering. A multi-pronged approach is better in the long-run.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What is a good name for my southern rock band?

I have a southern rock band that i need a name for and I'm from Leesburg Virginia but i live in North Carolina so I'm a country boy but i like to rock! I play lead guitar and I was thinking about "Southern Imprint" or "Upon The Rebel", My name is Bo

Im ugly,help,and im madly in love with a girl?

there was 1 day when we had some really really serious chemistry,but now I think shes afraid of me,we used to just be cool,but a couple days after the day we had chemistry,we stopped talkin for a bit,were just now startin to talk again.were not mad at each other,its just hard to start conversations with people you hardly know.Im madly in love with her!!!and im ugly,but im on the football team,and just got a brand new 4 pack.Help,and im really fresh also,im a trophy guy aside from my face,which isnt so bad if you get past the overbite.

Do you think I could have ADD ?

So I never really noticed anything wen i was little , but now im realizin tht wen i read things tht dont really interest me i often get lost at where i was readin or wat i juss read . nd if im sittin somewhere for more than 15 mins i tend to fidget nd move , nd if im sittin somewhere for a really long time like 2 or 3 hours i feel like i really juss need to go somewhere else . i also forget where i put things like almost instantly . do u think i could have ADD ?

Fellow HILLARY supporters -- don't you wish she'd CORRECT **this** blatant error?

I couldn't agree with you more and applaud you for saying this. Hillary could lead and hopefully other politicians would follow............

What song lyrics do you know that have to do with sight/vision/blindness/seeing/…

I'm making a list of songs that have lyrics that have to do with sight, vision, blindness, seeing, looking, eyes, etc. Like "Your eyes can be so cruel" or "And now I'm going blind." Thanks!

If charged with misdemeanor pot possession in michigan what am i going to expect (3 roaches) what do i plead?

pulled over for speeding by cop of the year found 3 roaches i dont know if i plead not guilty to get a chance to plea bargain w/ prosecutor.

What are some products from the rainforest?

All the stuff that the Medicine man made!! Hahaha, jk, well wait. . . no I'm not kidding. I wish I had more information. I live in Omaha Ne, and as you may know, we have the Henry Doorly Zoo here, and the Lied Jungle has a little display of all the things in the rain forest. They had coca cola cans, suave shampoo and conditioner, they even had GOLF that are made from the gum and the sap from TREES! I'll look into it some more and let you know! It's really interesting!

How do GW answers like this get chosen?

As someone said on a prior question, debating GW deniers is like shooting fish in a barrel, but these fish have no idea when they've been shot.

Who do you think is getting out in next weeks episode on America's Best Dance Crew?

Who do you think is getting out in next weeks episode on America's Best Dance Crew? i LLLLLOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEE Soreal cru and boogie bots! But soreal cru is my first choice ever since the start!

Anyone who had read the book 'The Catcher in the Rye'?

Holden Caulfield is actually concerned about protecting himself and so to do that, he alienates himself from a world he seems he doesn't belong. Instead of caring about his failing grades, he diverts his attention to other things. Alienation is both the source of Holden’s strength and the source of his problems. He really doesnt want to grow up and he doesnt want to stain the innocence of children with the "phoniness" of the adult word.

How do you empower an amulet?

hold the amulet in your hands, and breathe deeply for a while, and push your energy out your hands into the amulet, and make a statement such as "This amulet will protect me from evil". This amulet will bring me good luck, etc. That statement programs how the energy stored in the amulet is to be used.

How do you open a fundraising account?

to open a 'fundraising' account, the bank umed you were a nonprofit organization. You can't just hold meetings and pretend to be a registered nonprofit - you would have to incorporate and file with the IRS. But that doesn't sound like what you need. If you just want an account you can both use to deposit and hold funds for your trip, open a regular joint account.

My cat meows at me at 5:00 AM every morning!?

I don't know what her problem is, but my youngest cat will sit and meow at us every morning at 5:00 AM! It's liek clockwork! I know she just wants us to get up (because when we do so, she shuts up) but is there anything we can do to get her to stop??? I don't have to get up until 6:00AM and it's really frustrating! And we can't close our bedroom door because she'll sit and scratch at it!!

Questions on Ultrasound Technician... Straight answer please?

Careers in the fields of ultrasound and sonography are high in demand right now. These sonography jobs involve diagnostic imaging, which encompes several procedures that aid in diagnosing ailments. Ultrasound has long been ociated with imaging of fetuses during pregnancy, but there is much more to this career than just obstetrics. Sonographers and ultrasound technicians help doctors to detect, diagnose and ultimately treat numerous medical conditions throughout the human body. And the job outlook for these medical professionals is good. a href="http://sonography.careeredublogs.com/sonography-jobs-careers-explained/" rel="nofollow"http://sonography.careeredublogs.com/son…/a

Bestfriend about to go out with my ex !!!!?

He's your Ex, you can stop caring now. This is how people earn the name bit ch. It's none of your business anymore.

Who can quantify the electrical standby fire risk?

should not be a problem here we have ul and the ca, sure you have something else over there, I would die in a week if I had to turn everything in the house off before bed to be safe, that is why every electrical device that is sold is supposed to be tested and approved by one of those independent testing authorities;

My dog ate something weird please help!!!!?

If my dog ate beef jerky treats that were very hard, is it possible that it could have ruptured her stomach? She seems fine now, but she diarrhead and there was blood in it. It also has a very strong iron smell. Could it be something else or is it the beef jerky? She might have gotten into some medicine but we are not sure

Friday, November 11, 2011

Who will be on the all defensive team?

i will go with kobe, wade, lebron, shane battier and big D howard. of course they may put cp3 in over kobe but i doubt it. artest might get in over battier but i like battier more he and kobe defenses are not all about stats they do alot more then block and steal. plus he has the best way to contest shots.

Why? did the Mighty God command His People to circise their male children?

The Mystery of God has been finished! Many Atheists feel that science proving His laws is not proof enough! So why? Did the Mighty God command His people to circise their male children? Now most atheists as satan worshipers cannot to this day think of what to do with their Male organ! But the mighty God knew and knows! On the website of Adam and Eve seed gathering ministry website on the net, the mystery is finished therein the code/keys of His word as His mystery are exposed and finished! Each page with many proofs in science and His Word/Verse's! Must be of an age of understanding to view this website mentioned the contact page is for questions and for proofs being sent, and for gathering on the site where science/scientists and theologists are now uniting for the now end of sickness and premature death Rev:1:18/Rev:10:7

Would my 200lb English Mastiff in New York survive in South India (Tropical/hot climate) for a month?

What are some guidelines with regards to international air transportation for large dogs? Would the heat in India be bad for the dog? Are there any other problems that dogs from US would face in India? Please suggest some solutions.

I need ideas for a shrimp broth.?

I am making Alton Brown's gumbo recipe which calls for head-on shrimp. You boil the shrimp heads and shells into a broth. I don't have anyplace near that sells head on shrimp, so I am thinking of ways to substitute it. Can you help me.?

I think im going to turn this into a book..?

Yes Yes Yes! I'd actually love to read that. I love books about family problems or tragedies. Just wondering, when is it set?


this sounds like panic to me sweetie...listen ive had alot of the similar things your describing and your SYMPTOMS stem from panic and anxiety...if you had a brain tumour you would be dead by now and ive been having the same thing for almost 4 yrs myself...if it was a brain tumour id be dead too(i went to the hospital alot when i didnt understand what was going on with me but im healthy as a horse)....go to the doctor...get checked just to calm your nerves..but dont worry honey..

Did your baby ONLY want to sleep in people's arms/ car seat etc.? How many months did this problem last?

Did you do anything to solve the problem? Our baby only sleeps in arms we are looking for people to share their experience. How old was your little one when they finally willling to sleep in a crib? FYI we tried swaddle, white noise, mom's smell, etc..... nothing works and she would detect it in 20 mins or so and wake up. Would not cosleep, won't take car seat,swing, bouncer etc either. We are new parents and wonder if it will get easier for her or not. She is 3 months old.

Miegorized into "Adult" groups AGAIN!?

What the hell is it going to take to get Yahoo!'s stupid adult content bots from continually moving our group of 50-something sock knitters into the "adult" category? This has happened to us four times in the past year, twice in the past two weeks. Does Yahoo! really just not give a damn about this?? It's been happening for YEARS now?? WTH???

Are the Illuminati trying to "fudge up" America on purpose?

What's going on in our country right now? Why isn't the media demanding answers from the government about HOW we got into this mess we're in and WHO the "fudge" is responsible? I think it's clear to anyone with even half a brain that the democrats were putting the squeeze on banks to lend out easy money to people who had no business borrowing this money (in an effort to be "fair" and promote home ownership to people who should've been renting) so that was the cause of the subprime mortgage mess and the tightening of credit markets. What the media is not informing the public about is the damage from these things called derivatives/credit default swaps which, if tallied on a global scale, is somewhere in the quadrillions of dollars. Aren't the media supposed to be watchdogs for the people? Why the media coverup? Why isn't anyone demanding orange jumpsuits for those idiots in Washington Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd, etc.?!? And they were worried that Sarah Palin was dumb? Ha! Have the illuminati finally achieved their goal of bringing America to its knees?

Ok im 5'11 15 and i wear size 14 shoe am i gonna grow alot taller and how tall i hope i do cause i play bball

Most guys stop growing between 16 & 18 y/o. I can't say for sure at what age you will stop but you have at least one more year and maybe 3. My sister's son stopped at 18. Maybe you will grow until you are 18 also.

Does this seem like a good book?

Humans are forced to live underground in things called Edens because of global warming and a huge drought. Aliens attack them after they have been living underground for three-hundred years because their planet was destroyed and they need a new place to live. Most of the humans think that it is unsafe to come to the surface because a small group of people are trying to protect them from the aliens. They eventually come out to combat the aliens and the book goes on from there. Would you read it? If not, what should I change? Are there any things I should change? Thanks!

Should I buy UFC 103 or PBF vs JMM boxing card?

I'm a fan of mma and boxing.But seeing Floyd Mayweather fight again will be me.Then again I'm streaming UFC from my computer as well as ordering PBF ppv.

How can you find the number of sides in a regular star polygon given the measure of one interior angle?

Interior angle - The sum of the interior angles of a simple n-gon is (n−2)Ï€ radians or (n−2)180 degrees. This is because any simple n-gon can be considered to be made up of (n−2) triangles, each of which has an angle sum of Ï€ radians or 180 degrees. The measure of any interior angle of a convex regular n-gon is (n−2)Ï€/n radians or (n−2)180/n degrees.

Vasectomy questions?

Yes you still . Most of the fluid you p is produced in the prostate. Coincidentally, a large number of prostate cancer patients have had vasectomies. I'll leave mine alone thank you.

Questions about tattoos femme girls?

ok so i'm a little obsessed with tattoos despite not having one, i really like tribal designs, chinese symbols and i really like tattoos which are just writing like the tattoo megan fox has down the side of her body, but i'm a femme girl and people are quick to judge girls who have lots of/and BIG tattoos and i just wondered what are your opinions on femme girls having these kind of tattoos is it kinda butch or hot in some way please help :) thanks in advance

Is it just me or is American Idol just getting old?

Yes I feel the show is getting old but I will watch it again when they have the really good singers when they hit the top 24 ... i did this last year.

How to expedite a Paternity Test?

the child is 18 years old!, who in their right mind unless money hungry would ever bring it up. My dad had the same problem but hes never payed child support and i don't know why the woman didnt bring it up either. I have all respect for women and no respect for dead beat dads but seriously, hes 18. Let the teenager live their life. Parents need to grow up sometimes.

Did businesses abuse the economy?

Prices generally go up across the board like that because of inflation which is caused by the Federal Reserve, not because businesses are trying to screw everyone over. When the value of the dollar drops the prices of things have to rise to restore equilibrium. I don't know of the restaurant Norms, but if they managed to keep their prices down they must have made cost cuts somewhere else to remain competitive. It's a bit more complicated than this with regulations and monopolies/cartels, but those are maintained by the government.

How much will it cost to renovate this bathroom (pic)?

If you were to just take it out and replace it with normal things, like $5000. But granite countertops are a fortune. So maybe $7000.

What yould you top line be in NHL?

Pick one line and 2 defensemen and a goalie. Mine would be Crosby,Ovechkin,Kane with Mike Green and Sergei Gonchar, and Luongo in goal. Yours?

35 years ago I had a religious experiance with Pharoah Sanders. Who do I contact to use his name in my book?

Go to his website, a href="http://www.pharoahsanders.net/." rel="nofollow"http://www.pharoahsanders.net/./a On the contact section is a way to contact his booking agency. They may not be able to give permission, but they can probably get you in contact with someone who is.

My address is changed at hyd from saidabad area to chaith area. But I need to change adress in ration card?

what is the process ? to home we need to approach, how many days it will take. (Hyderabad, AP, India)

Is there a connection between Communism & Feminism?

both are far-left, I would compare it more to nazi fascist than communist. Just replace aryan with female and you have "feminazi", the belief that men should be second-cl citizens.

Sorry now, but would this annoy any of you lot coz my boyfriend makes my blood boil ??!?

Wow!! your bf sounds like quite the jerk. I think he's a tight wad and you probably deserve better, If I were you I'd let him go, and find myself a real man that knows how to treat you! your bf is using you!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Why are we following the Americans into Libya ?

According to NATO Britain and France are running the Show the Americans are playing a supporting roll. All the Apache attack helicopters are British and all the Tiger helicopters are French.

I went to my local Best Buy to cop Lupe's Lasers and it was sold out?

that happends some times!you have 2 b first in line the first day it comes out sometimes.i remember in the 90's i couldent find a bone thugs album no where

I have absolutely NO idea what to expect?

I posted this a few days ago but got no response so I wanted to try my luck again. I know it's a weird question but I am so curious to have an idea of how my baby is going to look, but I just cannot imagine it as I have never seen pictures of anyone of this mix to go off of. Our baby is going to be a serious mixture of ethnicities. Firstly both of us are mixed races; I am half black and half white (French/Finnish) with super curly hair and freckles and the father is half Japanese and half white (Lithuanian). So the baby will be 1/2 white 1/4 Japanese and 1/4 Black. I am just so curious as to how dark their complexion will be, how Asian they'll look, and how course their hair will be. It's exciting though! Any ideas would be lovely. <3

Have you forgotten any of these old Nick shows?

I remember when we had to order Nickelodeon lol... Nick at Nite doesn't exist anymore?? ... hmmm.... do you remember that show where these kids are at a dude ranch?.. i think it was called Hey Dude, or someting like that....

Ever tried crystal meth (ice)? read!?

I have a family member in prison, right nowbecause of this sick drug, I found this poem about 5 months a go, when I went out of town, and I made alot of copies of it, so everyone could read it, especially children, because this stuff is like an epidemic now, and everything this girl in this poem says is true, unfortunetly, she did not live long after she wrote it. hopefully, those who have not read this, WILL, and choose not to use, it will most definetly destrory your life and those who love you as well.

How is Obama's penalizing America's energy producers by clamping down on greenhouse emissions help if China's?

This covers all manufacturing plants, probably your own automobile, all electrical plants regardless of fuel used. It covers refineries. Everything that emits carbon. I can see them taxing us for breathing. This will destroy what is left of our economy and accomplish absolutely nothing at all. They say it will effect climate change yet this has not been proven. What caused the climate to change thousands of years ago. Even less than that. They don't know they just want our money and cause us all to live a more minimal lifestyle for their own purposes to spread the wealth to developing countries. That money from selling carbon credits will go to developing nations. Read up on it.

Please help I am so so scared I have cancer..?!?

I am so scared that I have cancer. I started with a pain in my right lower stomach in January, which I thought was appendicitis but turned out not to be. I feel sick a lot, although not actually sick. My thigh aches constantly and my lower back, and my right nipple seems to tingle a lot, I also had pain in my shoulder blade which doctor thought was shingles. Sometimes feel like I'm struggling to breathe. I've now found a lump on the back of my neck, slightly to the right. just below the hairline. It is hard and round. I have cancer don't I?!? I'm 21.

Who wins, and why? give us your thought?

Is this all the same will or is the other "clause" an ADDITION to the will? Perhaps he added to the will but didn't rewrite it. IF this was all written at the same time I'd almost bet that her heirs will end up winning half in the end, as that is the easier way.

What is your opinion on the 'Twilight' series vampires?

Do you get that this is fiction? She gets to write them however she wants, there aren't any rules. I've never given it as much thought as you have. I do think Edward is hot, but I never would've read the book if my 11 year old hadn't been reading it. It's simplistic.

Dunk help for high school bball player?

im 6'1 and 179 lbs i can grab rim and i've been doing box jumps every other day with weight vest 3 sets of 10 wit vest on and 10 more with vest. i also got resistance bands but don't know any good exercises that will help. and i do the mvp vertical jump program and it includes excersices like squat leg press calf press e.c.t and i stopped progressing. i work to the max every session and not seeing progression. i thought about taking a fat burner to loss weight. what should i do?

Why is it so physically draining?

Why is it so physically draining to lose some one you love? I feel like I have been ran over and I can't get enough sleep. I get plenty of sleep. I am sad but I nave never pelt the physical drainage of losing some one. I was just wondering why you get so run down. I know that I will feel better with time. I just want to see if what I'm feeling is normal.

What are your opinions on National Socialism in the US?

The dissertation under your question has nothing to do with your question about socialism. Also if the "corrupt Judeo-Capitalist system" (as you put it) really wanted all the illegals to become legal, then they would just annex Mexico and be done with it.

My boyfriend punched me?

Idk what to do. i was just with him today and i love him so much and he hit me. okay, first i walked all the way over from my house which is like 25 minutes away walking distance and he knows that!! weve been having some problems anyway, and he knows i have alot of guy friends, but everytime i talk to one he says, oh you stupid , i knew this would happen. or oh, why the **** are you talking to him? im gonna beat his ***. it's like, i cant have any friends!? ive known them longer than him. but i remember the old him and how cool he was about everything, i cant just dump him. but when i got to his house he was like, what took you so long? were you with a guy? and he was so angry that i was almost scared but i thought he would never do anything so i yelled, no! i was not with any guy! i came to see you! and he started yelling back in my face, full force screaming a bunch of swears and i finally just exploded and said wow **** you. and he just punched me. it hurt so so much, inside and outside. i never thought he would do anything. i started crying hysterically and he tried helping and i was bleeding and i just jumped up and ran towards his door and ran home, and he didnt chase me. he's been calling constantly and leaving me messages saying sorry and im just shaking violently. i dont want to go to school because he knows where to find me, but i dont want to tell the police because his mom has cancer in her lungs, bones, and brain, she has only a year left and the last thing she needs is her only son going off to jail. im so scared. help.

What does this dream symbol mean?

driving into a city, noticing a church bell tower and what seemed to be an old abandoned hospital as the only 2 buildings to make up the skyline.

What is the best brand of vitamin and multi-vitamin?

I ahve worked pharamcy for 11 years and I always suggest anyone that is taking additional vitamins to take the woman oneday vitamin along with them. Most vitamins you can not get too much of and the additional that are not need are just flushed from the system. I'd just suggest for the the woman oneday vitamin.

What type of substrate should I use for aquatic plants?

you can use sand or gravel that would be fine if you want to you can get flourite or eco compelete. i use flourite and i like it very much for plants then i got a med tech set up for my tank with t5ho lighting and pressurized co2. i would suggest to stay away from box stores for plants they are mislabeled with wrong plants and not true aquatic plants.you can go here a href="http://www.aquariumplants.com/Aquarium_Plants_s/1.htm" rel="nofollow"http://www.aquariumplants.com/Aquarium_P…/a click on the beginner or low light plants. i have gotten some plants from them and they are great, or go to fish forums like this one a href="http://www.aquariacentral.com/forums/" rel="nofollow"http://www.aquariacentral.com/forums//a they have a section were you can buy live plants from people who grow them in there own tank i got a lot of mine from this place also at a great price on different plants

Could it be that Muslim women are more devout than christian women?

I think it is they are more controlled or brain washed . their culture does not allow them to think and generally they even have their marriage arranged for them because the men will not let them think for themselves.

Why is my prescription 120 dollars cheaper in canada?

The solution to this is to legalize re-importation. Simple. The solution to our health-care problems is LESS government, not more.

Why are british people such liberal pacifists who would rather see themselves dead than have kill a terrorist?

I am an American who has served with the UK troops. I have nothing but respect. Many non-military people have no idea that winning a war is not about killing every opponent. It is about getting them to give up. That requires serious discipline.

ault charge for a guys shirt with bbq sauce?

If you touched him by BBQ sauce on him without his consent, then that is an ault. It is generally defined as any unprivileged contact with another person. The contact may be direct or indirect. If you threw a beer bottle in his face, it would be ault. If you shook a can of pop or soda and let it loose on him, it would be an ault.

One room in my house smells like mold and another room downstairs smells like a dead animal?

how do i trace this smell, do i need to start tearing ofF the drywall, i have moved all furniture out and there is hard wood floors NO CARPET IN ROOMS?? HELP

What is the late 60s/early 70s song about a fishermans daughter?

Come On Down To My Boat...by Every Mothers Son (1967). I have this record, yes you heard right, a RECORD! Remember those???

Is there a URL to a site that has season 3,episode 11 of malcolm in the middle that hasn't deleted it yet?

I've tried a ton of sites,but it's either not there or deleted from the site's hard drive..............

Days of Week With Lowest Airfare Between Baltimore and Orlando?

What days of the week is one likely to get the lowest fares, and how long should one stay to get the lowest fares?

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Can someone help with this latin to english translation help?

Cornelia the highest part speed himself prepared. Short transitory mother and daughter a servis very urbem ferebantur. Upon viis was huge multitudo of men. Concursabant in fact servi , of a soldier vii , boy , woman. Heap on to plant a servis they were being carried , for to forbid nothing within urbem conveyance portatur.Omnia which videt Cornelia she delectant. Now to catch sight of poet towards recitantem , now full of mistakes money petentes nun litter elegantissimam which concerning octo servis he is carried. Upon this rebit obesus quae scales Cornelia two to preserve very viam hastily to catch sight of , of which the second por child he carries. To go ipso transitory out of damaged flee from porcus. “Cavete! To shout adstantes but in vain. a certain person , quae very viam rapidly currit por life not power. To earth cadit. For a little while upon luto to lie gemens. Next anger disordered servum inclining toward a from porcus aufugit. Is rixa.Finem quarrel not vidit Cornelia and servi now sellas upon other viam to tolerate. At length advenerunt to she booth how petebant. About sellis descenderunt. At that time Golden “Vidistine,” he “illam litter upon by which route rebebat obesus? One out of freedom Caesaris very - But what it happens? Fumum to see and flame "

Only answer please if you have or have had a fwb?

I've known this guy a few weeks now....he wants to be fwb & hopefully build up to something more but he knows we have to be careful so neither one of us will end up hurt. I am divorced from a cheater. We hooked up once last week & since then we've talked every day & he's told me that he misses me. He said he doesn't want to scare me or fall for me too fast but that he thinks of me all the time. He wants to meet up again tomorrow at a hotel(like last time)..we live about 45 minutes to an hour away from each other. I wasn't really nervous the first time but I kind of am now. I guess I'm kind of afraid he won't like me as well the second time & also that he just wants to sleep w/me & that there really won't be any building up to something more. He's more experienced than I am...he's only the second person I've slept with. If you have a fwb is it normal to feel nervous like this? I'm thinking all this stuff like what if he doesn't like the way I look, that he's just using me, etc

Christians are IDOL WORSHIPPERS??

Although we bow to a cross, we do not praise it and we pray to God. The cross is a symbol, not our God. The reason other religions are idol worshiping is that, for example, as buddhists bow to the statue of Buddha, they worship the original Buddha, a person who is not God or God's Son. We trust in God, named YHWH(yaw-way), because His prophesies came true, miracles happened and still do, and He is over all.

I've a hard time pronouncing 'r' in german and any word that has 'r' in it. I also have problem with 'twelve'

despite many repetitions. I've been listening to the language cd and studying the alphabet pronunciation guide for the past few days but still can't say it exactly like the instructor does. Does that mean German is not for me? I'm a complete beginner. Any advice?

How do I work out everyday and not feel depleted?

I used to ride the upright bike 3-4 times a week, now I'm doing it pretty much everyday. After about a week of this new regimen, I've begun to feel depleted most days and don't feel like I can eat or drink enough to revive myself. I mainly work out for the good feeling it gives me for the rest of the day but this depleted feeling is starting to outweigh any positive benefits. If possible, I'd like to still be able to ride the bike everyday and not take days off. I realize it's commonly a good idea to take days off from working out, but it's not like I'm doing intense strength training. I'm a healthy young guy; I feel like I should be able to hop on the upright bike once a day for a 30 minute ride. Is there anything special I can eat or drink after the workout to get me back on track and allow me to workout everyday? Maybe a protein shake? I try to eat well already (including things high in protein) and would rather not have to overhaul my entire diet and with specialized food.

Getting married i have a question?

I am getting married to my fiancee of 4 years but we r just gonna get married at the courthouse in Maryland until we can have a real nice big wedding plus its hard to save with our young son. I was just wondering house much a marriage license cost in Maryland. Thanks so much *simonne*

Would you accept this trade?

Hakeem Nicks is the real deal and I think he might have a better season than Sims-Walker. I don't know about Matt Forte if he will be good but Owen Daniels is hard to replace with a free agent. I would take the trade if you want to get better at the WR position and the RB position if not then don't take the trade.

Sharing the christmas spirit?

(just for fun, don't get offended) So is Santa a STALKER?? I mean he knows when I'm sleeping, he knows when I'm awake and he slips down my chimney undetected. Doesn't that make him a stalker? and Honestly, who wrote that song anyways, lol. Lyrics are terrible.

I believe,Jesus is coming back soon,why am I worried?

You are part of the family of God and your name is written in the Book Of Life and you have nothing to worry about. Your worrying doesn't come from God but it comes from Satan. Jesus will want you and Jesus will always love you. I can't wait to go to Heaven.

What do you think of this opinion article in the Washington Examiner?

A little more to it than that. When they set up Social Security (the first socialist program) they figured we would live to 68. So start SS at 62 draw 6 years worth of payments and quietly die. Well we baby boomers are not going to die at 68, and with new medical technology probably not at 78 either, so what can they do? Start socialized medicine and have control of when everyone dies. One socialist program controlling the outcome of another socialist program. It's all about control. We lose! But only if we let it happen.

Maruchan Instant Lunch w/ Shrimp chicken broth?

I'm vegetarian with an exception for seafood, and I was wondering if the Maruchan Instant Lunch w/ Shrimps 'chicken broth' contains REAL chicken broth, or if it's just artificial flavoring? It doesn't elaborate on the label and I can't seem to look it up online, does anyone actually know?

What would you recommend? (:?

Wow! You have a pretty good list there already! Try 30 Seconds to Mars, Velvet Revolver, and Chickenfoot.

I have a 97 ford taures 6 cyl that the drive belt broke. The small free wheeling pulley looks shot. My plan?

is to replace the pulley and belt, but not sure I am capable. I have removed the small pulley(was already loose). I have the diagram for the belt, but someone told me I had to use a tool to loosen the tensioner. Do I loosen the bolt holding the tensioner on, or do I just try to move it?? If I loosen the bolt, then do I move the tensioner back to original position(and how do I do this?)after putting the belt on. Sorry if not clear, but it's the only way I know how to describe. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

What new sport should I try?

I currently do badminton, hockey and fencing. I love fencing and hockey a lot and hockey is still fun, but I prefer individual sports. But most of my sport has finished for the year and I'm looking for something new to try. What should I do? I live in Melbourne if that helps. I don't want to be with little kids, I'm 15 and I want to meet people my age!

Some words of comfort , What do you think ?

Gods plan cant fail "With God there's no such thing as a "mission impossible" . When he sends you on a mission , He makes sure you have the means to succeed". Your always on Gods mind "God will never forget you . Your very name is engraved on the palm of his hand" . Keep going "Its when the burden seems heaviest , that the breakthrough is near. Hold on for it" . Follow the light "Gods word makes it clear that the way of the cross will sometimes bring sacrifice , suffering and loss . But he promises also to walk by our side as our light for the journey" Have a great day everyone .

Wedding photographs still not delivered...?

Get your lawyer to give her a call, that might put a fire under her. She is in breach of contract and that is a legal matter.

Do I have a cold, flu, mono, etc.?

drink some water you might be dehydrated or it could just be the common cold, get some rest and you will be fine:) also drink some orange juice

Help..friend gets very upset if i mention i want to date a male?

I'm a 42yr old female. I just landed a great guy, 53 and a surgeon. Well at least i think i've landed him. I met him in a bar, drunk off my rocker and we had a good time in the bedroom...twice. I'm a bit of a looker, i take good care of myself. The problem is my friend Kat. Kat and I share a house for over 20yrs. We do everything together.Heck, there was a time when we even had the same boyfriend (after one of us dumped him). She is very clingy toward me. Heck we even cuddle up if the night is cold (not in a ual way, we both raging hetros here). We go out 3 times a week, we pull and we screw, but the rule is we dont get involved. Anyhow most of the geezers are loosers. However, this guys got a lot going for him n i think i want to make a go of it with him. I want to chase him down good and maybe secure a future with this guy...babies, our house, a family. But Kat....she seems so upset. Hes been round to this gaff once...and she was dead cold toward him, insisting 'our rule' is we dont bring the geezer to our home. However thats 'her' rule, not 'mine' and its 'my' home too. I put up the money (with help from my old man) for half the rent n bills. I want a family n kids, the whole works. But i dont wanta loose Kat. Anyway, my new mans gone cool on me, hes been blowing hot n cold this past 3 days, the texting has stopped. I went for a meal with him, but he wanted to skip the eating part and go upstaris to a room in a fancy hotel. I put my foot down, i aint goin to be treated like no tramp. I told him conversation is whats on the menu from now on, and 'developing our relationship'. I feel used, maybe Kat is right. Kat sits around all day smokin n drinkin beer. I decided i dont wanta life like that, i want a job, and another life. How do i keep my friend n snare my man. Right now my life with Kat entails getting up late, sitting brooding with 20 fags and strong coffee well into the afternoon. Then we get all done up, hit the mall, buy come clothes, throw on teh slap n hit the early bars, rolling in late at 5am. I feel too old.

What can I do to stop my 11year old cat from pooping on my carpet?

My female cat boo is 11years old( fixed and declawed) I have 4 other cats, 8years, 5years, 1year, and 4months; all are declawed and fixed too! I have 6 litter boxes in my house and the oldest cat, the problem/boo goes in the litter boxes once and a while but still poops in one specific spot! She has arthritis and I give her pills mixed with soft food but that makes her do nasty squishy poop! I don't know what to do I won't get rid of my other cats so should I put her down or can I find a good home for her?

How do you know if your piercing is infected?

i got an eybrow peircing on july 8th of this year and just awhile back it excreated sum clear sticky liquid and it started to bleed a lot. ever since its exreated sum clear liquid and sumtimes blood. and also this lump that looks like a pimple apears on the upper side of my peircing. it did get tugged on harshly and the upper hole got opened up more so the little ball was able to go in but it closed up back to normal. please if it is infected is there a way that i cood just take better care of it so that it heals and i don't have to go through the trouble of going to the doctor. the peircing place gave me medicated soap called provon and h2ocean which is a salt water mixure. so please help!

Is my recruiter lying?

I wouldn't worry about the bonus too much. Do see how well these guys are paid? The secret to enlistment is not coming out after your first hitch. The longer you hang around, the more money they give you! You can't find a job like that in the private sector anymore. Go for the bucks GO ARMY!

Why do people on Dating websites all seem the same?

I was browsing places like eharmony and other similar personals places and it seems to me that everybody is trying to sound the same. Are we all Communists? What happened to free thinking and being different? Everyone says how they love thier family and cooking and blahblahblah. Have you noticed this too? I know there are tons of lonely people out there who are looking for someone to share life with and thats fine. but we gotta stop trying to hide our bad side and only showing our good side! You wont sound like a lunatic! you will only sound like you! and there may be a lunatic JUST LIKE YOU! what do you think about this? lets let it all hang out...It would be awesome if there were some people who stated in their profiles that they arent looking for long term relationships just someone to hang out with and get high and watch cartoons!!

Anyone remember the band name?

the video was set in the countryside, and the 3 band members, (slightly geeky older band) dressed like country gents, they come across voodoo type villages. it was around 2006ish. around the same time as the rakes, futureheads etc.

I need to change my style?

Have you tried wearing a pencil skirt, ruffled top, pumps with peep toe and a big clutch purse? It gives a trendy, sophisticated look.

Dont you think the Cavs Celtics game should get a great game?

I think the Celtics are going to play extremely hard tonight, and this game might just be the "slump-breaking" game the Celtics needed, just like the Celtics snapping out of their slump after defeating the Celtics.

How can I prevent my frustration of the government from turning into hatred?

I would estimate that 70% of Americans (from previous questions and polls) don't trust the American government to act in the best interest of the general population. The only thing holding us back from a revolution is that there is still a lingering faith in our "democracy". People are starting to wake up to the scary truths that our "democracy" can be bought and the foundation of our "democracy" is controlled by Republicans and Democrats and not by any neutral parties that don't have obvious conflict of interest when it comes to creating a fair democracy.

Movie about everyday people that predict the future?

I thinks it's nonfiction, but because it's about predicting the future, it might be science fiction. Pretty much it's all about how, using like a sixth sense or some part of the brain or something like that that everyone has, everyday people are predicting things like the bird flu and swine flu epidemics before they occur and things about 2012 and solar flares and such. It's really pretty good. They get a group of everyday people into like a seminar and there's a person in charge who gives them instructions on what to do in order to see these visions. The everyday people draw what they see. As I said it's pretty neat, but I'm not sure how true it is. Does anyone know the name of this movie so I can look up more about it?

Why does my computer freeze from strange things?

I run on a very expensive computer and it's great, but a few things make it freeze for no apparent reason. When I play Skype Checkers with my friend, he'll always shake my screen when he's about to lose, causing my computer to freeze. And recently, I tried to convert my iTunes songs to MP3 AND WAV and they both caused my computer to freeze in seconds. Why is it doing this?? It's very frustrating.

I dedicate this post to #34 for why the celtics suck?

More reasons to hate the celtics, they are overrated this year, rondo blows, perkins is a joke garnett has no knee pierce and allen both need canes nate robinson is a chode shelden williams is a spook there PA announcer is a loser Garnett is a woman Pierce crys Glen Davis is a thug tony allen and rondo like to cry, rondo can't hit a 2 foot jumper without airballing. Those still too little things for criticizing the celtics?

Where can I find a cello teacher/lessons?

Check with the nearby college or University music department. Their staff or possibly an advanced student.

Why do football players get paid too much?

It puzzles me - how - take Rangers for example - playing pub teams like Hamilton & Inverness .. some of them are on �30k a week -- for what running round the park for 90 minutes and not hammering these teams......they should try being a working Mum - that would knacker them out...

Is scott patterson from gilmore girls really 52?

he looks too young but all the info says he is 52 does anyone know him or know someone who knows him to get a straight answer?

Can you call yourself a catholic if you support ity?

I personally am not a religious follower and have nothing against uallity, or for that matter catholics. However, I do find it interesting how many catholics, and indeed churches, have no objection to it even though the bible clearly makes reference to it being "wrong".

Should i do this fantasy football trade?

that trade would not help you at all. I say pick up free agent Joey Galloway he is coming back this week. He should boost your weak WR core.

What would a good fundraiser be for a fraternity on a college campus?

im looking for a great fundraiser that would be able to include about 40 guys to do. we all go to college so i think selling cookies or popcorn would be out of the question. if anyone has any ideas or suggestions i would love to hear them

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Domestic violence and eviction... is this discrimination?

I do not legally live with my boyfriend, Trent and his family, but I am here most of the time. He is 20, and I am 18. His mother's boyfriend, Mike, came home Saturday night from the bar, and after an argument over Mike taking Trent's phone, Mike aulted Trent. Things got out of hand and I called the police. Mike was arrested on domestic violence charges and ault. Here is my question. The house is in Mike's name, and he claims he is going to send an eviction notice to evict only Trent and I, no one else from the home. (The other residents are Trent's mother, his brother, and infant half-brother) Do you need reasons to evict someone? Could this situation be considered discrimination? If so, can I do something about it? Also, any other information you think would be relevant would be greatly appreciated.

Monster.com Super Bowl ad that was not aired?

Thought to be in bad taste? Scene opens of man with broom sweeping. Shot opens to see he is in a cage with the hind end of an elephant looming over him. Elephant sits down and gets up with only the broom left. Black screen with the line, "Where is your career taking you?". "Monster.com"

A song from the 1990s which has a reggae feel...?

The song's chorus has repetition of the phrase or something very similar to "yes I will" at the end of each line, and the first line of the chorus sounds similar to "I wanna make love to you". Any titles, artists or anything similar will be greatly received:) Thank you...

Do you like that guy John Edwards?

He claims to be for the poor but then builds a 28,000 square foot home in NC. Would those millions spent on his humble home have fed the whole homeless population of LA for a year? I bet it would have but that is just a guess. It is more of the same from him you know do as I say not as I do. I am so tired of these people who pretend to give a s--- about things like poor or global warming and then contribute to the problem rather than the solution.

Inverse function help urgent?

Brad asked Dana to choose a number. He then told her to add 2, multiply the results by 5, subtract 2 and finally divide by 3. Brad asked Dana for the answer, and she said 6. Brad then told dana the number she chose was 2. Use an inverse function to explain how Brad knew the number?

What should I wear with this coat ?

gray. you could rock that jacket with some dark skinny jeans and a white wife beater and some uggs...i know you can rock it girl

Why did Jesus resurrect Lazarus?

Wouldn't Lazarus walk with God and so would be happy to be freed of the flesh. You'd expect him to say something like "And how can I resurrect what is not dead? Or do you ask I bound the free soul back to its flesh?" His soul lives. You'd think if he's in Heaven Jesus would refuse to resurrect him. His soul is now free of the flesh that causes sin and the world we're called to hate[1 john 2:15].

What to do in San Fran?

Have a picnik in the Golden Gate Recreation Park. It's a huge area, right on the coastline of the Pacific Ocean. Gorgeous scenery, and more relaxed. You could also go to the San Francisco Zoo, the Aquarium by the Bay, or take a stroll through Pier 39!

I find it really hard to believe that people do bad things and everyone calls me naive?

Like this guy I am dating lies a LOT and is terrible, but I just think he's lovely and make justifications. I would never lie or treat people badly and don't understand why some people do. People always call me naive and gullible. What is wrong with me. I have a lot of life experience, more than most people, but I am a little naive still. I don't know why.

Is it a good idea to drop Romo? more details inside...?

don't drop romo, pick up Olsen or Vinshonte or M. Lewis as a TE. Or make a trade with one of your QB's for Cooley.

How do I transfer songs from bearshare to my library in WMP?

never used bearshare but you should be able to copy the file and paste in wmp. also i would think bearshare would have an option to store downloaded file's to another folder in wich case you would choose wmp's.

Pregnancy and emotions/?

the mood swings are normal... just agree with what she has to say. thats what my boyfriend does. i yell at him and take all my stress out on him and he copes with it (imhaving twins and im stressed out alooott!!). All he does is say "ok" until im back to normal agian. Just wait for her to come to you about the . im 14 weeks pregnant and my drive is high.

There's a Cut inside my mouth?

On the top of the inside of my mouth and there's a piece coming out and I can wobble it with my tongue, I don't wanna take it out because it can do warm and may hurt. I had this for a week. What is this? What should I do?

How can i get over this horrible ordeal in my life and move on?

Get as far away from him as possible. Their are programs out there that can help you. After you get away from him seek professional psychological help. You have deep emotional problems if you are willing to go through these things with a man and still care about him. You need to work on yourself for a long time. Think about your son too.

I am really shy aimproveent. What should I do?nd I dont know what to do.?

I dont really have any friends, and the friends I do have im not that close to. I really dont know what to say in a group setting. I feel like everyone else knows what to say but I dont. I want to go up to people and say Hi, but for some reason i am always too nervous to do so and I back out. Since I dont talk much, I tink I give people the impression that I dont want to talk to them. I have been trying to change for the last seeral years but I have made little

Voldemort versus Me.....?

:P i think he is cute either way. I love the actor that plays him in Sweeney todd to! he has such a GREAT voice in singing. hehe... *starts to hum to the song pretty women* I loves u throw.

2001 Malibu A/C high/low pressure lines?

I have a 2001 Malibu, 6 cyl and need to recharge the a/c unit. I see 2 lines, one with a larger black cap on it in open view in front of the engine and another line with a smaller blue cap way down in back of the engine, down low near the firewall. I need to know which one is the low pressure line. Please be sure of your answer. I don't need to have any accidents. Thanks.

Why is "No Best Answer" even an option when voting?

It seems odd to me. I best answer must be picked in the end anyway, so why does Y!A put that as an option? I think some people just go around puting "No Best Answer" for a bunch of questions, and as a result, the question remains in voting forever! I think this is one reason there are so many unresolved questions. What do you think? Comments?

Monday, November 7, 2011

What comprises a computer system?

thats not a very clear question... basically a CPU aka (Also Known As) Central Processing Unit - something which deals with graphics either a GPU aka GFX card or GFX controller aka GFX chip - Something that deals with sound either card or chip - inputs and outputs (the holes where you put stuff) - technically a mobile phone is a computer system and they are quite different to computers so be abit more precise.

When the Dallas Cowboys, America's Team, wins the Super Bowl next year, Who will be the Super Bowl MVP?

My money is on Tony "I pick up hott girls" Romo or Terrel "The Greatness" Owens.

Can someone please identify this guitar, played by Curtis RX of Creature Feature, picture included?

Not a Gibson. That is for sure. Its a Gretch. You can tell by the inlays on the side of the fingerboard.

I overate today! Help please?

its a DAY it won't kill you. just go back to your regular diet routine. its OK to have little cheat days once in a while.

Did Ophelia ever know that Hamlet killed Polonius?

not for an ignment, i'm just wondering. before she comitted suicide, did she know that hamlet killed polonius?

What justin bieber's #?

i know his fan number. i wana talk to him but i can't call it cuz im in a nother different country.. so what should i dial?

Would you say tiger is or was the best golfer in the USA/world?

He is the best in the world, the media has to write something each day so they try to make other players seem as rising stars. What funny is that for him to have the year he did, no other golfer could catch him, that goes to show how much distance it is between him and the rest of the pack.

Nissan GT-R?

Nissan Master Technicians must receive training before Nissan will Release the cars to the dealership's. Dealer Principals general managers owners get to go to Las Vegas very soon. Dealers must have the correct equiptment ready to service these exotic sports cars. Infinity is nissan luxury division and because of the sports car nature of the GTR we at Nissan get the car. At first no one knew which brand was getting the supercar. Only 1,400 are goint to be made so I bet the owner of a new GTR will watch my every move rightfully so! No you may not borrow it for a weekend. Unless you buy one of your own

Can inheritence be taxable?

i get a monthly inheritance no health insurance. does your living situation and income play a part of what u owe

Where can I find a shadow candle or lantern?

I love the scene in Sleepy Hollow where the lantern casts shadows on the wall. I would love a lantern or candle holder like that!

Why Does Obama always expect special treatment?

Why is it that Obama expects special press treatment, expects superdelegates to change their votes based on the popular vote in their states or districts (when never suggesting that his own delegates should do the same), and expects that people should not use his own real middle name, as if to do so involves some prejudice? Shouldn't he give a better example to African Americans by resisting the impulse to request special treatment and preference based on race?

Conservatives, did you know that the ACORN "scandal" was also a Breitbart sponsored scam?

Look at them all...side-stepping the issue you've targeted. They cannot answer a direct question for the life of them! Sad, really.

What are some authors to write a research paper on?

i need an idea on who to write a research paper for my english cl... i kinda wanted to write on stephen king because he is my fav author but it would be hard since he doesn't have a "official" biography and our teacher is a ***** saying that we can't use like and autobiography which he does have. lol so any suggestions on an author with a bad *** life...


ok.wtf did i just read???um he dont like you how is he a jackazz?so he broke up with u on msn....and?u wuld have started crying if he did it in person ya no!!

PLEASE. Help me understand FB convo?! (Long, but reads fast)?

Sounds polite but kinda like he is trying to stay familiar for a raining day, :( although he definetly isn't potentially interested as in liking you but it could have been worst he could have ignored you after hooking up, you must be good or hott :)

Why a great carpenter everywhere but home?

LOL thats the normal thing last last last and the honey dew list just gets bigger.I feel for you gal!

Do you think any bands toay can measure up to the oldies?

You forgot to mention The Beatles...but I don't know if you'd consider U2 'new school' they are kinda old...if they are...I think they can measure up.

Recomend me some ps3 games any1?

Elder scrolls 4; Oblivion is great. it has well over 90 hours of gameplay, it is a total freedom game, so you can do what you want, but there are still missions to do, including the main quest, 4 guild quests, loads of miscellaneous quests, daedric quests which can give you awesome items, and the game of the year edition features an additional 2 storylines. and the graphics are awesome =)

Green Iguanas lip looks swollen?

Does the iguana ever seem to be trying to get out of the tank by "head ing" the corners or walls? If so this could be damage from it doing just that.

How can I deal with this?

Okay I am like so fed up with this. Okay I have a myspace account rite? And I like to go on my schools homepage sometimes and you know post into the topics from time to time. Well there's this little girl on there I ain't gone say her name but her and her sister is always goin on there startin $#!+ with me. I mean I say nothing to them never even said 2 words to them when we were at the same school she never said half the things she says on there to my face. She's always saying things like I'm a loser and I need to get a life but yet and still she's the one getting on and off the internet starting bullcrap. When I say things back to her her sister get's all up in it. Then she had the audacity to tell me that I was lying about being pregnant both of them. I don't like to lose my temper but I'm like 2 seconds from just cursing them out. Can someone tell me how to deal with these dummies?

Will Harry or Lord Voldemort die in the final battle of the 7th book?

Nobody can be sure but it makes sense to have Harry Sacrifice himself to save his friends and kill Voldemort. Especialy since if Harry dies, no other author can do a spinoff of the book. Did you know that JK Rowling said she wrote the last chapter before she finished writing the first book. PS: She originally planned to kill Harry, but she changed her mind alot.

Does radioactive iodine make you barren?

I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and the endocrinologist wants me to undergo RAI but I am confused because my original doctor said that RAI will make me barren. Besides the result of my ultra sound is slightly enlarged and no focal m found my T3 is in normal, my T4 is below the normal and my TSH is below the normal.

How do colleges calculate GPA?

I'm just wondering, how do college calculate high school GPA? Do they calculate it based on the A, B, C scale, ignoring the numerical value? So like even if you have a high A in a cl, like a 98, you just receive a 4.0 for that cl versus a 4.8. Or do they calculate it based on the numerical value? So if you have a 98 in a cl, you receive a 4.8 for that cl.

California's AB962 ("Ammo" (People) Control Bill) & SB585 (Gun Show Ban Bill) Status Check?

it was sighned by the rhino A.S.Sir. his aproval rating is 11% right now he knew he was going out giving his liberals a reach around he will be sorry when the pendulum swings the other way people will remember he showed his true colors.it does not take effect until june 2011 that gives you plenty of time to stock up before prices sky rocket and you can make trips to out of state every few months to stock up. Do not give any more tax money this state than you have to.

So frustrated & annoyed, boyfriend says it's ok?

My first time was horrible, felt like a dagger. I bled as well. Untill your cherry pops it may hurt. However the discharge could be a yeast infection which may add to it. Tell your mom about the discharge and she will take you to the doc and not even suspect. I think also you r sooo nervous your muscles tensing up is making it more painful. you need to relax. Your worrying about this is making it worst. Lubricants are good. They may help. But i really think its a combo of nerves and maybe a yeast infection which are very common. Im not gonna lie the first time is never good for the woman but....it doea get better. Boo if u want people but id rather this young woman know the truth than suffer thru. Ok now that i did the cool mom thing please...use protection. U sound like a smart girl so i bet you already thought of that/!!

WTF is Bollywood?

ok, call me a cavemen, but what the funk is bollywood? or is it some retarded way little kids on here refer to hollywood?

Jeep Cherokee Straight 6 engine?

ive researched around and found that the straight 6 (inline 6) 4.0L engine for jeeps are one of the most reliable engines jeep ever made. im just wondering if all jeep 6 cyl engines are inline 6? like if someone says its 6cyl does that mean it is a straight 6 engine? or are there different types of 6 cyl engines that jeep used? im looking at a 2000 jeep cherokee. thanks

Can you help with my chemistry?

How much heat in joules is required to heat a 50g sample of aluminum from 77 degress F to 147 degrees F?

What trusting site will help me find a sugar glider for adoption?

ok, so ive been wanting an sugar glider for YEARS and i wanted to know if anyone can give me a site that has sugar gliders for adoption. also i live in new jersey so if anyone is giving one away please email me :) thank you!!

Freedom of speech in universities, does it exist?

A university campus and especially in a lecture should be a place where freedom of expression and ideas are allowed to flow freely, the reality is though that most Western universities quell freedom of speech, is anything that detracts from freedom of expression and ideas in reality just unacceptable, as without them robust debate cannot occur. in my expeience of university the forbidden categories of free expression where: Any opposition to multiculturalism,objections to gay marriage,support for the state of Israel,criticism of Islam,Any expression of patriotsmand nationalistic pride. If you brought any of the above up you were shouted down,closeddown and even threatened. whats going on in these places ?

What do you think of this? - i didnt write it -?

I think it is very deep, emotional and fantastic! It will move many people, specially because these things happen for real. It is very good.

How would you survive a zombie attack?

There is not enough time to set those tools up. I would chuck the can of coke as hard as I can at the red shirt zombie to get rid of the unneccesary item. I'd run over to the microwave and pop in the Harry Potter DVD and wad up the string into a ball and place it on top of the CD. Microwave on for 20 seconds - sets string on fire, open microwave, light toothpick on fire, carry over toothpick to where the cloth curtain is and set the house on fire. I would grab whatever is around and set those on fire and start throwing those at the incoming zombies. Either they'll get afraid of the fire and back off or burn. I would try to clear my way out of the house like this. I'd probably burn to death too or end up getting zombied though. :/

So Dexter is going to be a cannibal. What do you think?

a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter_is_Delicious" rel="nofollow"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter_is_D…/a

Can Hull City survive this season?

Listening to Dowies rambling nonsence yesterday, i doubt it very much. He went on about Sheep- Bloody Sheep! "we don't need sheep now" he ranted. Baaaaaaa!!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

1 Tim. 2:9-15; 1 Cor. 14:34-36 Does Paul have Women Issues?

Paul wrote those scriptures under DIVINE INSPIRATION. I'm sure God wanted those remarks in the Bible for a reason. They are not degrading to a woman...it is part of the being in subjection, the man is the head of the house thing.

Out of these 6 cameras which should I get?

If it were up to me, and I didn't care about the prices, I'd pick the Canon silver one, because my cousin has that camera and it works pretty good. Also, a suggestion is, if you have a walmart near you, you should go look at their prices, because I was looking at the blue one at walmart and it's cheaper than at best buy. (= good luck on picking the right one.

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein #2?

In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (the book, written 1818) why was electricity so important/used to create the monster in the story?

Why does my mouth shake when I smile?

sometimes when I smile, I can feel my mouth/lips wobbling or shaking, and I'm worried people will notice and say something to me, I have aspergers syndrome, could it be anything to do with that?

Exercising cause heart attack?

This may sound crazy to some of you, but I know that not exercising could lead to a heart attack, however, since I watched Skip Prosser(Hometown Wake Forests bball coach) die of a heartattack shortly after running track im worried about exercising causing me to have one too. I certainly dont want to over due it and end up dying trying to get healthy? Any advice physical or mental on the issue?

I need friend help please!?

why are you even trippin over her? shes a ***** and you guys shouldnt even be arguing about who gets to sit next to who. and HUGS! tell jessica to get an attitude adjustment, or shell grow to be a total ***** and a downer to everyones fun.

This 13 year old fancies me.....?

Im 16 btw, and she wants to sleep with me because she thinks im good looking (she must be blind lol) and sweet, and shes in a hurry to lose her virginity. Im worried about her, she lives in shorpe and I live in hull, so we only know each other off the internet (i dont actually go looking for 13 year olds on the internet btw she answered one of my questions and said hi). what should i do?

Help citing wikipedia?

how do you cite wikipedia in a paper, cause like anyone could edit it? the page i used was about mark twain, if u could help me that would be great

Cure for stuttering.?

It will help if you deliberately speak very slowly and kind of rhythmically. Practice at home and then the next time you are at work and see if that helps. (see the article below for detailed explanation of what to do) Changing the speed of your speech changes something about the way your brain is functioning in that area. A speech therapist can teach you that technique or you can just practice it yourself. Keep in mind that over time you will adapt to that and you may begin stuttering again. So you could change it up a little and only speak very slowly during times when you have the most trouble. People will not notice, however once I learned that stutters do that, it does stand out to me. Simply "trying harder" will not fix it. There is literally something happening in your brain that interferes with your speech so try to go easy on yourself. Getting mad at yourself or stressing about it will only make it worse. Building self-confidence and self-relaxation techniques is a big step.

The history of a old house?

Is there any other way that i can find out the history of a house besides the county courthouse. I believe that something traumatic happened. The house was abandon for about 20 years and had about 50 different owners. The house has a main basement and then there is another basement where the floor lifts up which is tunnel like small and has small shelves on both sides. If anyone has heard of a basement or can tell me anything about what they think or how to look up the history of a house, i would be grateful.

Am I wrong to feel this way?

if someone doesn't get what he/she want then definitely he/she will upset so same as that you are upset cause you didn't get what you want so you better try until cause everything happen for a reason.

Trying to conceive since June of last year still no success, Can I conceive with absent periods?

Me and my husband have been trying to conceive since last June on September we Started hormones in order for me to menstruate the doctor gave me medroxyprogesterone which made me get my menstrual on time every month until december of 07 after it was conjugated pills and so on until I just stopped I wasn't getting my menstrual and the pills were starting to make me annoyingly sensitive and sickening I haven't had a period since March which now makes it seven months and Im wondering if I should go back to the meds were still trying to conceive. what should I do? Has anyone gone thru this? Is there Hope?

Does anybody know where I can get a Backing Track for the song Broken by Lindsey Haun?

The song was song by Lindsey Haun in the film Broken Bridges - I have looked all over the web & can't find a backing track for it - any suggestions? Thanks

Is he teasing me to be mean or does he like me?

So, this new dude moved to my town and I thought he was pretty cute so I told him that and we subtly flirted like smiling in the hallway and looking at each other but never talking. But then when he became friends with the popular guys his personality came out big time. He seems nice and cool around his friends and even other girls, but when ever he sees me or I say something to the guys, who are my friends too, he insults me or tells me to stop judgeing them or something which is starting to piss me off. He will be like shut the **** up and then when I scoff or make a face or something he says he's sorry over and over while smiling. But Im mean too sometimes, I pushed his face in the water fountain once and trip him and call him a dork or a douche. He sends me really mixed signals, yesterday he called be a B--I--T--C--H which really offended me I even told him how disrespectful that is and once again he apologized laughing. And at the end of the day he waves at me and expects everything to be all happy happy. He mocks me ALL the time and looks at me alot and in P.E we are VERY competetive. What is up with this guy??

What's the difference between a total and partial hysterectomy?

Total means removing uterus, tubes and ovaries. Partial refers to removal of uterus and tubes, but leaving the ovaries. I not sure about surgery which would leave uterus and remove ovaries and tubes. That option would have little medical benefit.

Could this be Genital warts?

I have only had with one person and we were both virgins when we got together. the farthest I have gone with anyone else was kissing. But now, about 2 years after we have been having on a regular basis, I have 2 or 3 tiny bumps (less than one mm in dia and very slightly raised) on my head of my peep, they are the exact same color as the skin around it and I also have excema and a wart on my finger if that makes a difference. I just was wondering if I was being paranoid or if I could have gotten warts somehow. I have never cheated and neither has she.

I need some help with my book...?

the best place to go for help with character creation is wikihow.com. Just type in charater creation in the search box. I've reffered to it a lot myself while writing my book.

Who believes in ghost/spirits? Have you experienced?

I beleive in spirits and in ghost its cool to know theres a whole nother demention of people even though sometimes it could be scarey because I have had many experiences with the paronormal so its pretty cool but creepy at the same time.

Claiming a dependent parent.?

My mother meets all guidelines so that I may claim her as a dependent. One thing I am confused on though is this: She had a seasonal job very late in 2008 from which her income was less than the $3400 personal exemption cut-off. However, she would sill like to file her taxes. Can she not file at all, or can she? Any info is appreciated.

This girl is tryin to lie to my boyfriend to get him to break up wit me?

If i were you i would confront her on her lies in front of him to solve the problem once and for all and then i would talk to him about his trust issues because he should believe your word over hers because you are his girlfriend. And the only reason she is spreading rumors is because she wants him for herself . Don't give her the upper hand expose her once and for all and in the end you will feel so much better.

Could the legalization and taxation of marijuana help our economy?

Absolutely not. The crime rate would soar and grades would plummet. Deaths will sky rocket and hospital bills would also be on the rise.

Is it weird for girls to have 6 packs? im a girl and i want one...pics included! thx.?

It's not weird for girls to want 6-packs. It's normal for anyone -- male or female -- to love the taste of beer.

Has the World Gone "Political Correctness" Mad???

YES!!! i never kno anymore if im offending someone. i always say something then say "or whatever is politically correct".sometimes the person im talkin to smiles or laughs then sometimes the person will just look at me as if im nutty or something.who knows anymore.if you say it you shouldnt if you dont you should. im just tired thinking bout it.

Do subordinate clauses have to begin with a relative pronoun or a subordinating conjunction? ?

Many websites do not mention otherwise, but I figured out that some subordinate clauses do: ex.' I stood up, waiting for him to leave.' "...waiting for him to leave." is the dependent clause. Can anyone help here?

Kill bill water chime??

at the end where she kills lucy luo theres a water chime in the snow, where can you get that one?? pleease help

I only had the first dose of Hepatitis B vaccination last year? Would I have developed immunity to the virus?

Kindly answer with a Yes or No first. I need certainty. If Yes, what are my chances of contracting the disease? I've read on CDC.gov that individuals doesn't have to restart the vaccination series again if in case they missed one of the shots.

Why cant I send picture mail on my blackberry?

I can recieve it, but when i take a pic and go to the mail icon it only gives you the option to send it via email or instant message. sup with that?!

Marriage breakdown - joint mortgage?

he can get an attorney and the house and be sold since his name is on it too, or she can buy him out. he needs to put the house up for sale and maybe then she will agree to pay for it. she wants to keep him tied to her.

Why do i lie so much?

i am a big lier, i have always had this problem even as a young girl. i always got BEATINGS for this i figured i would grow out of it but i havent. now that i am 21 i still lie. its hurting my relationship w/ my fiance'. we have three kids together and i love him so much but for come strange reason i cant let my past go. example: my first time was w/ a guy name E (ive only been with him and my fiance') it seems i cnt stop thinking about him. first of all troy(fiance) met me whn i was 16 but i lied about my age he was 22 at the time and i was also still dating E evenually i broke it off with E b/c i felt like troy is what i needed in my life. E moved on and i moved on but eventually we will always bump right back into each other and troy finds out everytime, well for the past 4yrs i found out troy has been Cheating on me w/ all sorts of women, so i hooked up w/ E again b/c i was upset and i ended up pregnant but i knew E wasnt the daddy i knew it was troys but i lied and i told E its his and troy still think the bby is his, now i got myself in a big situation...... me and troy trying to start ova and make our realationship work but E keep popping up just making the situation worse i dnt want to tell E the truth b/c i care about him but thn again i love troy and i want to spend the rest of my life with him ...................i promised myself a month ago that i was through with lying to myself and everyone else b/c im hurting me and others and i feel like i have no reasin to lie to anyone about anything ....i really want to get some kind of counseling b/c i honestly think i have a problem BASICALLY MY QUESTION IS DO U THINK LYING IS A SICKNESS?

Is any debate with a religious person an automatic tie?

Both sides will just go their ways thinking they're right. You may beat their arguments, but they likely won't notice. They don't understand that quoting scripture doesn't mean anything to an atheist. It's like quoting a book about Winnie The Pooh-completely irrelevant.

Whats the coolest thing DJ did during a concert?

The coolest things are the Dj battle offs between Diplo and anybody else like Dj Diablo etc. Type in Diplo on you tube and check it out. Check out "Make you Pop" and also Diplo vs. Tiesto on "Come on". They are in a cl of thier own. I especially like the laser shows Diplo does like at Spookfest live 2009.

Is This Story Creepy or What? Please Comment!?

The mental guy was licking her hand after killing the dog, he probably got in before she locked windows, problem solved.

I need advice for school quizzes~!! =) (ten points if you give detailed advice)!?

Write out important notes. When you write things they go into your brain quicker and stay for longer! Record your own voice on a mp3 player or walkman, play it over and over again, even when you're sleeping! Study all the notes. Take a beak. Go back to the notes again. Take a beak. Get lots of sleep. Study tomorrow morning. Eat a good breakfast. Touch your toes. Then study again!

Do any of these companies require a degree?

if i wanted to work for oracle or cisco would i need a degree or would i need a certificate and experience my mate is currently working in the sales department for cisco and had to have a degree and was doing his training abroad

Why does my kitten misbehave all the time?

My new kitten is 4 months old, and she is terrible. Everyday the trash gets knocked over, she steals food off my plate when i'm not looking, she beats up my other 2 cats, attacks my feet all the time, and claws and scratches my face when i am trying to sleep. my other two cats never behaved this way. why does she act like this, and what can i do to improve her behavior?

Lost GF.. Help Me Make It Up Too Her Please???

When you see her in person, get on your hands and knees, cry and beg for forgiveness, and promise that things will be different as you kiss her feet.