Friday, November 11, 2011

Are the Illuminati trying to "fudge up" America on purpose?

What's going on in our country right now? Why isn't the media demanding answers from the government about HOW we got into this mess we're in and WHO the "fudge" is responsible? I think it's clear to anyone with even half a brain that the democrats were putting the squeeze on banks to lend out easy money to people who had no business borrowing this money (in an effort to be "fair" and promote home ownership to people who should've been renting) so that was the cause of the subprime mortgage mess and the tightening of credit markets. What the media is not informing the public about is the damage from these things called derivatives/credit default swaps which, if tallied on a global scale, is somewhere in the quadrillions of dollars. Aren't the media supposed to be watchdogs for the people? Why the media coverup? Why isn't anyone demanding orange jumpsuits for those idiots in Washington Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd, etc.?!? And they were worried that Sarah Palin was dumb? Ha! Have the illuminati finally achieved their goal of bringing America to its knees?

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