Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Can someone help with this latin to english translation help?

Cornelia the highest part speed himself prepared. Short transitory mother and daughter a servis very urbem ferebantur. Upon viis was huge multitudo of men. Concursabant in fact servi , of a soldier vii , boy , woman. Heap on to plant a servis they were being carried , for to forbid nothing within urbem conveyance portatur.Omnia which videt Cornelia she delectant. Now to catch sight of poet towards recitantem , now full of mistakes money petentes nun litter elegantissimam which concerning octo servis he is carried. Upon this rebit obesus quae scales Cornelia two to preserve very viam hastily to catch sight of , of which the second por child he carries. To go ipso transitory out of damaged flee from porcus. “Cavete! To shout adstantes but in vain. a certain person , quae very viam rapidly currit por life not power. To earth cadit. For a little while upon luto to lie gemens. Next anger disordered servum inclining toward a from porcus aufugit. Is rixa.Finem quarrel not vidit Cornelia and servi now sellas upon other viam to tolerate. At length advenerunt to she booth how petebant. About sellis descenderunt. At that time Golden “Vidistine,” he “illam litter upon by which route rebebat obesus? One out of freedom Caesaris very - But what it happens? Fumum to see and flame "

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