Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Domestic violence and eviction... is this discrimination?

I do not legally live with my boyfriend, Trent and his family, but I am here most of the time. He is 20, and I am 18. His mother's boyfriend, Mike, came home Saturday night from the bar, and after an argument over Mike taking Trent's phone, Mike aulted Trent. Things got out of hand and I called the police. Mike was arrested on domestic violence charges and ault. Here is my question. The house is in Mike's name, and he claims he is going to send an eviction notice to evict only Trent and I, no one else from the home. (The other residents are Trent's mother, his brother, and infant half-brother) Do you need reasons to evict someone? Could this situation be considered discrimination? If so, can I do something about it? Also, any other information you think would be relevant would be greatly appreciated.

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