Sunday, November 13, 2011

Green mucous or phlegm?

Okay, this is probably going to be TMI, but I'm not sure if I should go see a doctor or not. I've been sick for about a week now, and have had more yellow snot and phlegm than I've ever seen in my life :( Yesterday morning and this morning, it's been turning green. Now I'm not sure if I'm on the up end of this virus and it's just turning green because it's at the end, or if this is the beginning of a whole new infection. I've been putting off the doctor because I have high co-pays and I'm broke. Will this go away on it's own? Or is it something serious that needs to be seen for? By the way, my symptoms are JUST the yellow snot and a cough, both now producing green colored things :( Any advice is appreciated!! Thanks!

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